Meet The Coven: Andrea - The Little Bookworm

Andrea, founder of The Little Bookworm
Why I blog about books: I'm a librarian, so I read a lot of books. Or maybe I read a lot of books so I became a librarian, and discovered there's less time for reading than I thought -- something like that. But one day I figured a blog would be a cool way to start to review and keep track of the books I'm reading. I just sort of fell into the world of the book bloggers and I've met so many nice people and I'm having a good time with it. More about Andrea: Favorite classic: Pride and Prejudice Favorite comfort food: French fries -- salty, crispy french fries Jane Austen or Emily Brontë?: Jane Austen Favorite season: Spring, because it's warming up but it's not too hot, yet. Favorite color: Purple, because it's pretty and soft. Coffee or tea: Definitely coffee Visit Andrea at The Little Bookworm Browse more bios View tour stops